nouveau riche (warning: rant)

Alright–let me preface this little rant by saying that I realise I was not put on this earth to judge and I try very, very hard not to be judgmental; and, generally speaking, I think I do a pretty damn good job of biting my tongue when it comes to commenting on the choices and tendencies of others.  Even when my friends are putting people down or passing judgment on them, I keep my mouth shut, because I know better than most that things are not always what they seem and all of us are human, and to comment on someone else’s life without knowing their full background, their private struggles, and their personal issues is really not something I feel it is okay to do.

That said, and I say this without any malice whatsoever, some people REALLY just evade my powers of understanding–case in point, the woman I am working with right now (yes I’m being naughty again and writing in my weblog from work!) who is probably the most obnoxious person I have ever met.  I referenced her in my first post–her name is Theresa, and ALL she talks about are material things and even the finances of other people!  It’s at times quite funny to me, but today, when I am hungover and had a very rough night, it is not funny, it is just annoying.

Let me add that she is terribly judgmental and I would not say this if that were not the case…

but homegirl is a HOT MESS my friends.  Firstly, she is the most ostentatious person I have ever met (and if you knew my background, you would understand what a bold statement that is.)  There are few things more important to me than “keeping it real”, and I suppose that is one of the main reasons why this woman grates on my nerves so awfully.  For one, I was raised to believe that it is the epitome of low-class and completely unacceptable to discuss someone’s financial situation in any capacity–it’s not something I would ever do, and if/when people around me do it, I become terribly uncomfortable–yet she takes no notice of my apparent discomfort I suppose, because she continues to make comments (and ask questions!!) of this nature.  In fact, “comments of this nature” are the ONLY comments she makes.  Apparently, her mother failed to teach her that having class means striving to make those around you feel comfortable.

Secondly, her mode of dress is beyond gauche and really offends my eyes.  I know that sounds terribly bitchy, but there is really no other way of putting it.  I mean, par example, diamonds are a girl’s best friend and all, and I have nothing against them, but she wears diamonds that are so large (I think her engagement ring is probably about 4-5 carats) that I would be embarrassed to wear them.

And I hate to “go there”, but I cannot understand how someone can be so ignorant and tragic with our country’s financial sector/economy being in such a state; not to mention the fact that there are much, much more worthy things to spend money on than material goods.  How about starving children?  I know that sounds kind of cliché, but there are people starving all over the world and a  rather small amount of American dollars could help a number of them.  Or for those who are not into international charity, there are many things that could be done in the United States–how about donating to one’s alma mater?  It seems as though one’s karma would be well-served to celebrate the success a university prepared them for by providing an endowed scholarship so a student can have that same chance, or building a new library so students can be that much more prepared for future success.

I don’t expect anyone to save the world, but it bothers me immensely that this woman (who, by the way, very much fits the “trophy wife” stereotype and the money that she supposedly has/is so obsessed with is not even her own) is so close-minded in her view of the world.  To be fair, I don’t know what sort of charitable donations her and her husband may make, but something tells me that her financial priority is not using her wealth for the greater good.

I’m sorry…I know I sound like an utter cow…but I have long been annoyed by the tendencies of “new money” and this woman really takes it to an entirely new level of tackiness.  If you met her, you’d agree.

Lest I act like a complete hypocrite, I must confess that I consider fashion to be art and therefore am an avid lover of Chanel, YSL, and other lesser known (but still absurdly overpriced) designers, I own some very overpriced art, and some of my handbags cost more than anyone should EVER spend on a handbag.  That said, I rarely adorn myself with visible labels, and with the economy being the way it is, I have stopped carrying my designer bags (although I found an AMAZING vintage one yesterday–will have to post a photo!) because it just seems wrong and shameful to be so materialistic when people are losing their jobs and homes.  I also try quite hard to “spread the wealth” even though I’m not exactly a wealthy person.

Over the past few months especially, I have become increasingly embarassed of my materialism–I know that American society is more or less defined by consumerism, but in the end, shoes cannot make me as happy as knowing that someone else has benefitted from my choices, and I really wish that Mrs. Tacky McTackster could see beyond the fact that she is now financially comfortable and do something other than celebrate it.

Anyway, this rant turned into a bit of a meditation on materialism and ostentation, but I’m glad I got it out–because I cannot stand this woman today.  Luckily, soon she shall be hopping into her overpriced automobile (god forbid she actually use her brain and purchase a hybrid) and walking her dripped-in-gold ass out of here.  Maybe she just needs a makeover?  Haha–of her appearance AND personality!

(Let me add one more time: this woman is NOT a nice person, I would never say such things about someone unless she were utterly unpleasant, inconsiderate, and judgemental.)

(rant over)

Hope everyone has a fab day!

xx Charlee

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